side effects

Is it possible I have kidney failure from child abuse?

Question by Liz D: Is it possible I have kidney failure from child abuse?
At the age of 23, I was diagnosed with kidney failure. I was finally accepted into the university I applied to from Junior college and was… Continue reading

Dallas TX Alcohol Drug Rehab Launches Expansion of Residential Treatment

Dallas TX Alcohol Drug Rehab Launches Expansion of Residential Treatment
Entering a residential treatment facility can seem scary and intimidating for a practicing drug addict. The person is making an outward sign of an inward commitment to get clean… Continue reading

Marijuana Helped Stop Child’s Seizures

Marijuana Helped Stop Child’s Seizures — Charlotte Figi suffered relentlessly day and night for 5 years with Dravet syndrome. At age 6, she now has a new life with no side effects after using a spec…

Around Town: April 18,… Continue reading

Amphetamine Abuse (strange symptom)?

Question by lancee813: Amphetamine Abuse (strange symptom)?
I know someone (60 yrs. old) who was abusing dexadrine and then adderall for over a year, during this time I noticed that they were constantly humming this short tune, over… Continue reading

Has anyone heard of imovane?

Question by : Has anyone heard of imovane?
Also has anyone hear of imovane or stelazine and what are their purposes and do they work? Can you also mix them together?

Best answer:

Answer by Cella
Trivializing is sold and… Continue reading

Pill Addiction?

Question by strangeR692: Pill Addiction?
I was wondering what the side effects of a minor pill addiction are.
For the first time in a long time I havent taken anyhting in 3 days. Ive been getting random… Continue reading