Narcolepsy Questions?

Question by LWS Heathcliff: Narcolepsy Questions?
My only official diagnosis is Narcolepsy and I have been on medication for it for a year now. Unfortunately I have not found a combination of medicine that improves my condition much and I have 5 doctors telling me 5 different possible other medical problems. I wondered if anyone else has had difficulty with medication balancing with Narcolepsy? If it gets better or worse with age? & If anyone else has had trouble describing possible other medical problems after being diagnosed narcoleptic?

Best answer:

Answer by gangadharan_nair
Narcolepsy is characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness, often with sudden loss of muscle tone (cataplexy), sleep paralysis, and hypnagogic phenomena. Diagnosis is by polysomnography and a multiple sleep latency test. Treatment is with modafinil or various stimulants.
Please see the web pages for more details on Narcolepsy.

Answer by matador89
Although there is no cure for narcolepsy, treatment options are available to help reduce the various symptoms. Treatment is individualized depending on the severity of the symptoms, and it may take weeks or months for an optimal regimen to be worked out. Treatment is primarily by medications, but lifestyle changes are also important. The main treatment of excessive daytime sleepiness in narcolepsy is with a group of drugs called central nervous system stimulants. For cataplexy and other REM-sleep symptoms, antidepressant medications and other drugs that suppress REM sleep are prescribed. Caffeine and over-the-counter drugs have not been shown to be effective and are not recommended.
In addition to drug therapy, an important part of treatment is scheduling short naps (10 to 15 minutes) two to three times per day to help control excessive daytime sleepiness and help the person stay as alert as possible.
Medications that act as stimulants are standard treatments for narcolepsy. They include the following: Methylphenidate (Ritalin). Dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine). Pemoline (Cylert).
With regard to Methylphenidate and dextroamphetamine, there are some differences between these agents: Methylphenidate, which is the standard agent for treating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is safer than dextroamphetamine. Small studies suggest that high doses may help avert catalepsy, although more research is needed to confirm this effect. Psychosis from overdose is very rare. Psychologic dependence can occur, but abuse has not been reported in children who have taken it for years.Dextroamphetamine has more severe effects than methylphenidate, which can include mood changes and jerky muscle movements. Prolonged use may cause serious depression. Overdose, which can occur at doses of only 100 to 500 mg, can cause psychosis and even death. This drug should not be used during pregnancy. There is also a risk for addiction and abuse. These drugs become ineffective if used continuously, and patients are advised to take a drug holiday one day a week or to withdraw gradually and resume treatment at a lower dose. Patients should not engage in activities that require being awake, such as driving, during withdrawal.
Hope this helps
Matador 89

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