Multiple Sclerosis & Epilepsy; All natural cure; No DRUGS.?

Question by Kal_Vin: Multiple Sclerosis & Epilepsy; All natural cure; No DRUGS.?
Is there anyone else with medical problems who refused to take drugs and instead chose the natural way?

Best answer:

Answer by John
A cure ? NO there is no cure for MS! The only herbal treatment for all cases is oil of evening
primrose and should be taken in capsule form over a long period in order rebuild the nerve sheaths. Foods to be avoided are gluten based foods and minimise the intake of saturated fats replaced by poly-unsaturated ones from vegetables. treatment should be centered
around the use of nervine /stimulants and digestive tonics! Professional holistic help should be
There are a few herbs that will help these are ; lady’s slipper/valerian/yellow bedstraw/mugwort

Answer by Jonathan Creek
THERE IS NO MAGIC PILL OR HERB that will just ‘cure’ MS.

1) Terry Wahls website should be your first port of call. An amazing woman who gradually healed her MS without drugs. Also see:

2) Consider that MS is an autoimmune disease that may arise in different people due to different reasons, so treating MS (as opposed to simply suppressing the immune response with drugs) may involve different treatments for different MS patients.

With that said, there are some basic categories to consider when trying to figure out possible causes for autoimmunity:

* Nutrient deficiency

* Toxicity

* past tissue/cellular trauma

There is WAY too much to discuss within the word limitations enforced here on Yahoo Answers, but I would urge you to consider that placating the immune response is only one step in dealing with autoimmunity. It’s a valid step, but should not be considered as a complete treatment. Far too often, in conventional medicine, the goal is to pervert the functioning of the body so as to reduce symptoms, rather than seeking the point of origin from which the condition arose.

With regard to nutrient deficiencies, Terry Wahls will get you on track with the nutrients required to nourish your body & your mitochondria.

Note that it is common for many autoimmune conditions to begin in the tissues of the GI tract. There are so many substances consumed today which humans did not evolve to consume, & which may therefore be perceived by the human immune system as foreign invaders. If consumed longterm, they can lead to chronic inflammation of gut tissue, which can lead to permeability of the tissue (so-called ‘leaky-gut’ syndrome), which can then allow particles (including foreign proteins) into the bloodstream, which can consequently lead to systemic inflammatory response, & an immune system confused as to which proteins are foreign & which belong to the patient’s own body tissues.

Things that might have led to an immune response (& later progressed to an auto-immune response) span a truly vast panorama of possibilities, & you will have to research into those you feel might be relevant in your case, but you could consider possibilities such as:

Alcoholism / drug abuse

Damaged proteins in mass-market dairy products

Artificial food additives (aspartame etc.)

Food sensitivities: Grains/cereals (natural or GMO), nightshades etc.

Inadequate iodine intake / excessive flouride/chlorine/bromine intake. Flouride & Chlorine are in many water supplies. Bromine is added to bread in the USA. Flourine,Chlorine,& Bromine are all Halogens. Iodine is the only relatively-non-toxic halogen & is often deficient. They compete with one another in the body, so halogen toxicity can potentially occur.

We don’t consume enough bitter leafy green vegetables these days. Bitter things stimulate bile release, thus aiding detoxification. They’re also high in minerals (so is dulse & it contains iodine), which again people are deficient in these days. Chlorophyll has a soothing effect upon the immune system & is powerfully detoxifying.

Heavy metals are horrendously toxic to the central nervous system & the GI tract, Liver & virtually every part of the human body. Mercury amalgam dental fillings are one of the major sources of intoxication, & thimerosal (ethylmercury) vaccine preservatives have intoxicated millions, to varying degrees, over the past 100yrs or so, though ignorance &denial of this issue sadly prevail. There are a truly vast no. of different avenues of exposure to heavy metals. If you think this might be relevant to you, speak to the folks over at the ‘Frequent Dose Chelation’ Yahoo Group, & whatever you do **PLEASE** don’t consume ANYTHING with coriander/cilantro in it. Also, please see the video I linked in a recent answer of mine:

Microbial imbalance in the GI tract is common these days, because we evolved to consume lacto-fermented foods which was the only way of preserving foods before the advent of refrigeration, yet we no longer consume them. Everything is pasteurised so its microbially almost dead. Also, antibiotics & many modern toxins (such as aspartame) can damage gut bacteria.
Gut bacteria help modulate the human immune system, they detoxify many toxic substances, they synthesize beneficial organic acids & B-vitamins…the list goes on. So when these beneficial microbes aren’t present or are struggling to fight off pathogenic microbes, the human body loses out & over the longterm systemic inflammation can arise, due to reduced detoxification, pathogenic excretia irritating the GI tissues & immune system.

Take care; I wish you the very best of luck in your quest (oh, & I urge you to hunt around on the internet, to find Richard Schulze’s old ‘Save Your Life’ videos – they’re a class act in Natural Healing).

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