How can I stop procrastination/video game addiction?

Question by Mr Schifter: How can I stop procrastination/video game addiction?
I am going into high school at the end of the summer, but I have horrible procrastination and a video game addiction. I have always been really smart, so studying has been of little use to me the past years, but I could have done so much more. I am going to need it this year, but I need to stop procrastinating. Also, I have come to realize that I have a horrible gaming addiction. I game all the time, and I think of it non-stop. I often find myself thinking of what weapon I should use, or how I could better myself, even though I know it doesn’t matter how good I do if I am having fun. I also have just starting playing Runescape again, and have done in a week what others struggle doing in a month. I stay up horribly late doing this all too. I try to beat my problems, but I have trouble motivating myself. I can’t just get rid of it all, but I know the secret is moderation. I feel afraid to seek help from family and friends, I think they won’t help me, and won’t care.

Please, no generic copypasta answers, I’d like to know that you guys actually care….

Best answer:

Answer by Jojo C
for procrastination, make a schedule/calender of what to do and when to do it, for the video games, be more active, find a new hobby, unplug ur game console, be out wit friends, play sports, do all kinds of sports. u can also right in ur schedule about what time to play video games.
Good Luck 😉

Thanks )o)o (arr

Answer by roland
It’s better to play video games less by being more focused and finding something to keep you motivated. It doesn’t hurt to try and ask your parents to help you on this and let them take away the video games from you, I use to be a gamer. My parents took the game away from me and I got a bit crazy and wanted to play, but then I got use to not playing it for a while and I started to play the game again, and just thought like.. Theres better things to do out there then just play games. yknow? =]

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